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Attention Bedrock
The fundamentals of understanding attention metrics in media.

Business case for attention
Looking for a way to dramatically increase the effectiveness and performance of your media strategies? Or maybe you’re already aware of the power of attention measurement and are trying to drive adoption within your organisation. Either way, Amplified Intelligence have the resources to help enable you to drive meaningful change in your organisations through the use of attention metrics.
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Titles by Dr Karen Nelson-Field
The Attention Economy and How Media Works
The simple truths for Marketers
In a world of fake news, fast facts and seriously depleted attention stamina, The Attention Economy and How Media Works: Simple Truths for Marketers offers a considered voice on the advertising chaos that colours our rapidly changing media environment. Karen Nelson-Field starts an intelligent conversation on what it will take for businesses to win in an attention economy. This book makes sense of viewability standards, coverage and clutter; it talks about the real quality behind a qCPM and takes a deep dive into the relationship between attention and sales. Nelson-Field asks you to pay attention to a disrupted advertising future, but without panic. Rather, with a keen eye on the things that brand owners can learn to control.
Viral Marketing
The science of sharing
Viral Marketing: The Science of Sharing is not your typical ‘how to get shared’ book. It would be nice to believe that viral success is as easy as being sneezed on. But after applying scientific method and rigorous research to the topic, Nelson-Field says, “Wake up and smell the well-branded coffee”. Using original research from more than 2 years of work, 5 different data sets, around 1000 videos, 9 individual studies and a large team of researchers from the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science, Viral Marketing offers solid advice on the nebulous business of video sharing.This is a must read book for anyone working in the social media space. Read it before you strap those roller skates onto a kitten, it might just save you some time, money and credibility.