Amplified Intelligence Founder and CEO, Dr Karen Nelson-Field, features in ExchangeWire’s industry insights and predictions for 2023 relating to advertising strategies and spending. 


In a year of record inflation amidst a persistent cost of living crisis, how, where, and how much marketers are spending has come under even keener scrutiny. In an article as part of ExchangeWire’s 2023 Predictions series, industry experts share their thoughts on how the economy and the ad spend that powers it will fare in the year ahead.

Below is an excerpt from their article, featuring Dr Karen Nelson-Field’s insights on the value of attention measurements to remove wastage in ad spend for optimum commercial outcomes.

Accurate understandings of engagement will be key to spending efficiently

While revised down, estimates of continued growth for advertising spend appear to signal strong industry resilience despite economic tribulations. Yet this superficial reading doesn’t reflect the full current picture. Considering the effect of accelerating inflation and squeezed margins on media costs, it’s likely many advertisers are paying more for the same, or even lower, volumes of inventory.

Across 2023, this means there is greater need to ensure optimised and targeted spending, as well as reliable performance insight. Instead of relying on the partial story told by proxy verification metrics, such as time-in-view, buyers must ensure spending decisions are driven by accurate understanding of the engagement ads truly achieve by optimising against real human attention.


You can read the article in full here, or discover more about the latest findings and developments in the human attention data ecosystem.