In a recent article on Business Plus, MediaCom Ireland’s Business Director, Manuel Yoacham, says that beating a recession means spending more on marketing.

When the threat of recession hits, one of the first casualties for many brands is marketing spend. However according to MediaCom’s Manual Yoacham, a reduction in campaign and brand spending can cause serious long-term effects.

Through the use of attention measurement in advertising, Mr Yoacham went on to proclaim the importance of smarter and more strategic spending specific to attention where brands and agencies are able to effectively purchase the right placements on the right channels that capture the best attention and outcome.

“When it comes to attention planning, the recent research carried out by Amplified Intelligence has been stirring much needed conversation on the global marketing level. The increased shift towards campaign metrics such as reach, and clicks has brought with it a concurrent trend of chasing cost efficiencies. The problem with this is that not all channels deliver the same amount of active attention.” says Yoacham.

“Active attention, where the consumers are actually viewing, registering, and encoding your brand messaging, has a direct relationship with mental availability and advertising effectiveness.”

You can read the article in full on the Business Plus website.