In the third and final part of The Drum’s series on the art and science of attention, measurement experts share advice for marketers to embrace the future digital media success metric.

In a world where media efficiency is being challenged, the advertising industry is at a pivotal moment – it can choose to stay static with current KPI-driven metrics or move forward and disrupt a status quo by rethinking marketing and media effectiveness to drive better outcomes.

Traditional measurements are a thing of the past – with attention metrics increasingly becoming a tangible way for brands and agencies to redefine success in the digital realm. It’s still early days in the journey towards attention but to shift the dial, the time to start testing is now.

The next step forward on the path to attention as a new currency is to “complement what’s already in place and what systems, measures and models that brands and agencies are working with and are already familiar with,” says Alex Khan, executive vice-president global partnerships, Amplified Intelligence.

“Attention fills gaps and helps colour in what is the format that works, on what platform, page, domain or subdomain, so that we’re really helping to drive media efficiencies. That’s ultimately how we move forward, we have to show brands and agencies how attention can help drive media efficiency.”


You can read this article in full on The Drum website.